Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We're getting ready....

We're getting ready to start Exhibition 2011!  The teachers are already working hard to organize and prepare the beginning of the exhibition for this year.  One of the first important starting points is getting teachers organised to be mentors for the different exhibition groups in the classes.  To get teachers from around the school interested, we sent them this video to inform them and get them excited to help out.

It's only been one day and we've already received 5 requests to be mentors!  You can help us by talking to some of the teachers in the school and asking them to be mentors for exhibition.  The more mentors we have, the more support and help you will get during your inquiries!

What do you think of the video?  Do you think it encourages teachers to help us out with the exhibition?  What is something you could say to encourage teachers to help us?

Leave a comment below.  I look forward to hearing your ideas!
Miss Jessica


  1. We would love to share the organic, student-driven learning that is Exhibition with you! Even if you can only share one period a week - we would love to have you join us.

    Miss Beth

  2. I well like very much that we could convince the teachers to help and motivate us.

    Azul M.5B

  3. I think that maybe we can convince the teachers to participate and help us in this project. We should tell them of what is about and to motivate them

    Natalia K 5B

  4. we need convince the more teachers we can leaving two or more periods for studing it for example telling them interesting things

    Juan José B.and Baltazar L.

  5. Our class thinks that we could maybe promote it by giving out flyers, wear hats that say "Be our Mentor!", talk to teachers and if we convince them we could give them a badge saying "I'm a 5th grade Mentor" !
    From 5A

  6. I think is a great idea to invite all the teachers to help us in the EXHIBITION.
    We will have many oportunities to make this exhibition the best!!

    Camila S

  7. I liked the video because is interesting because we the teachers will be motiveted also we can motivate teachers with invitations simillar as the video

    Domi W 5B

  8. I think that is a very goo idea that tyheachers can helpa us in this project . I think that our works will be better ....
    Colomba N 5B

  9. I am sure we will convence many teachers to participate in our Exhibition and we will try to do the best we can.

    Catalina R 5b

  10. I think that is grate inviting the teachers because they will feel that you remember they and they can help you to do the exhibition!!!

    Francisca T. 5-B

  11. This is a very, very, very good idea.

    Camila S.

  12. I think is a good idea to invite teachers to help us in this project.

    Fernanda V. 5-B

  13. This exhibition is a very BIG thing. we need mentors and ideas, we need to do the best project!
    the teachers who want to be mentors say "yes!"

    Santiago V 5B

  14. I would like to convince everyone in school to participate in this important Exhibition.We need to tell them in a good invitaicion.In this project I will do the best I can.

    Fernanda Paredes 5B.

  15. I think that iit will be better if they help us !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Colomba N 5B

  16. I think that this project will be interesting and we will learn a lot

  17. I think the video is very interesting.Also I would invite the teachers I had in fourth and third grade. I am very excited because last year I was thinking how it would be and now I will know.


  18. I think we should tell the teachers our topics, what is all about, untill we covice some to be or mentors and help us in the...EXIBITON 2011 XD!!!!

    Cami Ch.
    P.d. I'm exited! :)

  19. I think that the idea of inviting teachers is very good because they can help us in the project or in a question ext...


  20. I think that all the teachers will be very happy to help!

    Daniela.s 5c

  21. I would love to have a good mentor to help us and to do and create a good exhibition. so plis come and help.

    valentina v

  22. These can help the students a lot. It was a fun the video and it show how pyp works. This will be to fun!!!!

    Agus V. 5c

  23. I thing is very interesting, and very good to have a good mentor to help us and someone that you know very well.I will like to do the exhibition.


  24. I think that all the teachers of 5 grade have to help the students of Santiago College, and also I want to have a great time with my GROUP in class!!!

    Paula M 5C

  25. We need to convice more teachers to help us!!!

    Estay 5-C

  26. we have to ask for more mentors for the exhibition of this year,we are gonna have many things to do.

    Mari V. 5-A
