Friday, July 27, 2012

We have a topic!

What a great morning! The students from each of the classes presented their ideas for this year's exhibition topic.  Every class gave a 3-5 minute presentation on the topic of their choice for the whole grade level to consider.  Each class presented the idea, why it was important, the impact the topic had globally, and ideas for action from the students.

This year the presentations were:
5A: Sports
5B: Conflict
5C: Creativity
5D: Education
5E: Discrimination

All of the presentations were very thorough and interesting and after a difficult vote, the grade level chose DISCRIMINATION as their topic of interest for this year!

Now we will begin thinking about the types of discrimination that we encounter in our personal contexts and how we can take action to stop discrimination from happening around us.

Do you have some ideas about what types of discrimination you are interested in learning more about?  In what ways could you use the topics from our vote to explore more about discrimination?  Are there any "hidden" types of discrimination that we should inquire about?

Looking forward to your thoughts!
The Misses of Grade 5

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We got it started!

We had our first meeting with the students of the grade level for exhibition today!  We "Got it Started!" by listening to Miss Isabel give a welcome, receiving advice from the 6th grade students who completed the exhibition last year, and watching a video of last year's exhibition.

This is the powerpoint of our opening ceremony with exhibition ideas from previous years:

Here's the video of last year's exhibition.  Take a look at all of the technology they discovered around them!

Now it's your turn to "get it started" by reflecting on our first presentation.  What was your favorite part of the opening ceremony?  What should we include in the opening ceremony for next year's students?  What should we leave out?

We look forward to hearing what you think!
The Misses of Grade 5

PowerPoint Source:  Jessica Allen
Video Source:  Luis Sepulveda

Monday, July 23, 2012

Time to start Exhibition 2012!

We've all been waiting and now it is here!  It's time to start Exhibition 2012 and we are all excited to see what interesting topic we will be investigating this year!  As part of the Exhibition experience, the teachers and students will be documenting their process, learning and thinking through this blog and many other types of media.  We encourage all of you to read this blog with your families at home, participate in the polls and questions and leave comments on the blog posts.

To begin, look through the sites that are given in the box on the right for some ideas about important global issues that are happening today. After reading some of the sites, be sure to answer the poll question showing what you might be interested in investigating this year.  Finally, leave a comment on this post and share any other ideas you may have for our exhibition topic.  We want to know what you think!

Think about an important global topic that is interesting to students YOUR AGE and one that students YOUR AGE can take action on.  What do you think our exhibition topic should be this year?

Looking forward to your thoughts!
The Misses of Grade 5

Photo Source:  Lightwise for 123RF