Friday, June 26, 2009

Student interest discussions begin

Over this long weekend, students have been asked to look for and discuss local and global issues that are interesting to them. Students have already seen one website, facing the future, in class and there are two more on the right side of the blog for students to explore. (United Nations for kids and Global Issues for English Learners)

Remember, the most important part of looking for a topic that interests you is to discuss it with other people. Through your discussions you will see other people's points of view as well as develop your own opinions. Be sure to investigate many ideas, even those that may not seem interesting to you at first. You never know what you will find!

If you find something really interesting and want to share it with a comment!

Have fun looking and exploring!

Miss Jessica

Parent Information Meeting

Today was the first meeting about the exhibition for 2009. We invited all the parents to come to a meeting about the exhibition and ask any questions that they had about the process for their child. There were about 25 parents at the meeting and we had great feedback from the parents who attended. Since the parents said that the information was useful, we are also posting the PowerPoint that we showed at the meeting on the school website. Click above on the title of this post to view PowerPoint from the Santiago College website.

I would like to take this moment to thank all of the parents for coming to the meeting and Miss Isabel, Lower School Principal, for her help in translating the workshop.

I think it is going to be a great exhibition this year and I look forward to working with all of the parents, students, and teachers!

Miss Jessica