Friday, July 30, 2010

Preparing and Wondering!

Well...our first week is over and each class has had many great discussions on Childhood Health and the different areas you could investigate.  To help you continue your wandering and wondering on what YOU are interested in inquiring about, here is a list of some videos and topics that might open your mind to more ideas and questions.

After watching a video, you might want to write down some thoughts, questions, or opinions you have and share them with others in your class.  It's great to connect to what others think!

(26:49) A long video but worth the time to watch about Childhood Obesity and its epidemic numbers in the United States.  Considers some of the causes and preventative measures that are being taken today.

Video from CTV the Canadian television station.  Video gives pro-law coverage on a law that was passed (2008?) that bans anyone from smoking in their car while anyone under the age of 16 is with them.

(3:06) San Francisco High School senior investigative report on what happens with school lunch in their school.  Gives great information on the amount of money schools actually have to provide healthy food for students. 

(7:38) Pro-healthy lunch video on an “at risk” school in Wisconsin that switched from processed foods to whole-grain natural food in their school lunch.  Decrease in drop out rates, higher attention spans, decreased violence and vandalism are some of the results.   

(1:58)  News report from Australia on a school in Japan that is taking drastic measures to reduce childhood obesity.  School lunches are calorie controlled, food from home banned, and students must participate in preparing and serving the food as part of the nutrition curriculum.

(3:54) Investigative report on food labels and what are the real serving sizes.  Shows real serving sizes for food labels like ¾ of a pickle spear, 1/3 of a muffin, ½ of a frozen pizza as the actual serving size for the reported calorie and nutrition information.

(2:52) Basic presentation for kids on how to read food labels on different products.  Highlights the idea of starting with the serving size and working from that information.  Created by University of Kansas in the US to teach families with limited resources how to make healthy food choices.

(2:59) Short video on the role of the “makeup artist for food” in advertising.  Shows the real truth behind what the food is like that is shown on commercials.

(2:26) News report explaining a study that found that the worst cereals for kids were the ones that were the most heavily advertised.

(2:35)  A basic presentation by a nutritionist at Harvard that reports on the history and connection of television, advertising, and overweight problems in children.  It demonstrates some common advertising techniques used on children.

After watching these videos, which video did you like the best and why?  Which video really made you think in a new way about Childhood Health?

Hope you enjoyed your first week of exhibition!  6 more to go!
Miss Jessica

Thursday, July 29, 2010

We got it started!

This past Tuesday we began the exhibition with an opening celebration.  At the opening assembly we had Miss Isabel speak to the students about the exciting time ahead of them.  We also had three sixth grade students come and tell their experiences of the exhibition and give advice to this year's grade five students.  At the end of the assembly the students watched two videos from previous exhibitions to get ideas for all the various ways they could present their learning.  At the end, everyone was excited and motivated to get it started!

Now that the exhibition has begun, what is something that you are excited to do during this unit?  Work in groups?  Write your own questions?  Pick your own topic?  Post a comment and let others know!

Great assembly everyone!
Miss Jessica

PS:  Check out the pictures from the opening assembly to the right!

Friday, July 2, 2010

We have a topic!!

We did it!  Grade 5 voted today after 5 amazing class presentations and this year's topic is: 
Everyone is really excited for the topic and already thinking of ways they can investigate and take action about Childhood Health issues.

What issues are you thinking of investigating about Childhood Health?  Why are you interested in that topic right now?

Looking forward to hearing what you are thinking!
Miss Jessica