Thursday, August 5, 2010

We have a central idea!

After a few more revisions we have finally created our central idea for our exhibition this year.  Here it is:

The future of our health depends on personal choices, community support, environmental regulations, and governmental policies which help maintain a balanced lifestyle that meets physical and mental needs.

What do you think?  Can you see the changes that we made?  What concepts do you see relating to this central idea? 

Looking forward to hearing what you think...
Miss Jessica


  1. Grade 5
    I really like your central idea! Congratulations! I can see a lot of reflection and deep thinking! Just keep it up!
    I'm sure we are going to learn a lot!
    Miss Isabel Martínez

  2. We loved Paula Pastor's visit!
    We learned many things about mental health. For example, that brain hemispheres work in different ways. Also, we learnt that boys develop their brain slower than girls!

  3. the talk that miss Bernardita Castillo gave this mornig was really interesting , (well , all the exibition is very interesting ,)we learned about arte terapia wich is a therapy to treat stress or any can just be practiced by people who like art.
    matilde cohen
